
dish out your kleenex

At this moment,
there are 6,470,867,671 people in the world.
Give or take a few.
Some are running scared.
Some are coming home.
Some tell lies to make it through the day.
Others are just not facing the truth.
Some are evil men at war with good.
And some are good struggling with evil.
Six billion people in the world.
Six billion souls.
And sometimes,
all you need is one.
-one tree hill
it's funny how at times i look back and realize i've changed so much through the years. i used to be so attached with certain people and tried hard to keep them in my life. that probably explains why i have whom i believe the best friends the world could ever give me... and the same reason why i get badly hurt everytime someone leaves. i'm not sure if the benefits weigh more. i'm not even sure i could say i'm better now that i've changed.
stronger, maybe, but not necessarily better.
well, at least i can stand on both my feet now.
but sometimes, i just miss being...
hmmm what's the right word?
vulnerable? needy?
okaaay, i sound so pathetic. :P
it's just that being so strong-- the kind of "strong" that makes you think you can do everything on your own-- can be lonely. sometimes, it takes to lower one's fences to realize it feels great to be dependent at a reasonable level... not too clingy yet not too distant.
i miss highschool when i had frances...
i miss my first year in college when i had kimbs...
i miss second year when i had john...
i miss summer when i had jorge...
i miss not being too independent.
i miss choosing not to keep my troubles to myself.
i miss crying when i felt i've had too much.
but i'm stronger now... and like i said, strong can sometimes be lonely. but does it have to?


heartfelt musings of an idiosyncratic soul said...

yeeess!being strong gets too lonely at times, but it allows us to appreciate and embrace our individuality.cole,i'm glad to have witnessed you grow over the years...i love you!i really really do:) and even before when you thought you weren't strong enough, i've already told you how i thought you were..:)