
sweetpatatas goes hardbound :P

how time passes, i'm about to face my last week of boring discussions and early morning zombie dances. in two weeks, i'll be back to where walking around the house-- butt exposed-- is normal, the land of seybu. i'd be lying if i said i don't want to leave katipunan, but i have to say the summer sem wasn't (or isn't) that bad. *pat* *pat*... not one of the most exciting summers i had, but one that's for keeps. :P

i realized that if i just allowed people to enter my life, i could have the most ass-kicking friends to rock my world! as high school as it sounds, this summer has been about friendship for me...

celebrating with the most treasured...
turning ordinary days spectacular with the best...
seeking adventure with the new...
forging deeper ones with the unexpected...
and patching things up with the broken...

and i have sweetpatatas to prove that! :)

here's to filling out every page with wonderful memories yet to come!


heartfelt musings of an idiosyncratic soul said...

i thought it would be perfect for thoughts you would want to keep to yourself:) after all, we all need our alone time

colewong said...

its ferfek! thanks to you, mia, ken and "kim" (kunuhay). :)

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