
meet my brother, gabe

since i sleep in ahia's room, i have to put up with a lot of his annoying ways to keep me awake at night. his alphabet games, knock-knock jokes, impersonations, blah blah. i tried to make my own games like first-one-to-sleep, one-arm's-length-away or no-touching-til-tomorrow, but somehow, he manages to make his own rules and wins in the end. at some point, giving up was the wisest thing to do. so here i am, struggling night after night until i gather enough courage to sleep in my own room. that won't be long, i hope.

but he's not all that bad. we do have meaningful conversations, sometimes. allow me to share with you the one we had just last night...

me: why are you staring at me?
ahia: you're so cute, achi. can i call you cutiepie pretty?
me: ok. good night.
ahia: good night who?
me: good night ahia.
ahia: you should have a name for me, too.
me: good night, prettypie handsome?
ahia: i don't want to be pretty.
me: good night, cutiepie handsome?
ahia: but you're the cutiepie.
me: good night, sweetiepie handsome?
ahia: ahh, that's better.
me: k.

if you think i have a crazy brother, wait til i tell you about the other two.